Marketing Services Based in Bend, Oregon

Digital Marketing Audit & Fundamentals

digital marketing seo audit bend oregon

Often the first step we take with our small to medium-sized business clients is to be sure they are set up for digital marketing success. In order to do that, you need the right foundational tools, and the platforms need to be integrated so you can gather insights that will help your business make critical decisions. Once we have your foundation secure, we have a conversation to decide which other digital tools would help your business meet its marketing goals.

Brand Storytelling & Videos

video production and video marketing bend oregon

What is more powerful and memorable than story? As brand storytellers, it is our job to help your company authentically connect with your target audience. We use multi-media to tell stories whenever possible and aim to create pieces that bring the essence of your brand to life while leaving a lasting impression. Our project teams have several professional writers onboard, as well as strategic marketers and visual artist who bring these stories to life. View our portfolio for examples of our video work.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Agency Bend Oregon
Love 'em or hate 'em, social media platforms are often an effective way to market products and services. We work with our clients to determine which social media opportunities make the most sense for their business, and create custom plans. Plans can include content creation, monitoring, ad campaigns and analytics. 

We also love mixing our craft services: We recently created an appeal video for a popular gala event and created social media events on-site for Deschutes Children's Foundation. Read about it here.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email campaigns e-newsletters bend oregon
Email marketing can be a highly effective communication and sales tool. We run email campaigns for a variety of clients with a variety of objectives: lead generation, e-commerce promotions, brand-building messages. We also consult existing clients on email campaigns they created and help them answer questions such as, "How can I get more click-throughs to my website?"

We use several different email platforms, such as Hubspot, MailChimp, and Klaviyo, and we're happy to use the one most congruent with your company's other platforms.


Marketing Support & Consulting

marketing help support Bend Oregon
Do you need a marketing professional or a team that will create and execute strategy? Or does your marketing team need extra support? Either way, we've got you covered. Today our clients represent a mix of both scenarios. We aim to integrate seamlessly into your business in a manner that is efficient, positive and productive. We build out project teams based on your marketing needs, and we can scale alongside your business. If your marketing needs grow, we will add extra support on your project team, and if it's your off-season for marketing, we can dial it back as well.

Logo Design & Brand Identity Kits

 Logo design and brand identity kits Bend Oregon


Our brand strategy team includes one of Central Oregon's top logo designers— who knows how to make your brand the focal point. Whether you are looking for a complete rebrand (new logo design, new brand font, new brand colors, etc.) or you just need to push your current brand forward with a brand identity refresher, we're here for you. We have custom approaches for each project: sometimes there are lots of brand stakeholders who want to give input in an initial strategy session: we can do a brand workshop. Sometimes there's just one or two decision makers who want a streamlined approach. We'll cater to your needs. Feel free to reach out for an example of our designer's logo work. It's sure to inspire!