Shelby Little Yarrow Creative Agency Founder in Bend, Oregon

Brand Marketing Agency FAQs

If you have questions about what it's like to work with a brand marketing agency in Bend, we have answers. You can scroll through the common questions below, or schedule a call with our founder if you're curious about working with our agency.

When should you hire a marketing professional?

No time like the present. Clearly we’re biased, but if you’re reading this you probably are searching for a good brand marketing agency in Bend. Here’s are some timing considerations that may help you decide when to engage a marketing company like Yarrow Creative.

  • It takes 3 months for any significant SEO investment to start showing results. And organic traffic gain via search engine optimization is a long term play—yeah,we’re saying now is the best time to start with SEO.
  • Similarly, the rule of thumb for launching a marketing campaign is that you will get results three months after launch, assuming your marketing campaign has stellar creative and strategy behind it. If you’re not confident in your creative, strategy or the marketing channels/placements, let’s talk. We don’t want you wasting your time and money.
  • Dedicated planning time for any significant marketing endeavor is crucial. If you’ve got three months to plan, fantastic! If you’ve got three days, make the most of it. It’s always best, and always saves time and expenses, to get your marketing strategy together before firing off advertising buys, product displays, or marketing promos. 

How much should you pay for a marketing agency?

In our experience as in-house marketers and now agency contributors, we found that the hourly rate of ad agencies varies depending on their capabilities. And ultimately, when comparing service packages, cheaper is rarely better, and a hefty price tag does not guarantee quality marketing content or results.

We offer two approaches to working with us, hourly or a monthly retainer. Some of our clients prefer hourly billing because it allows them to bring us in more during their busy season, and dial back our hours in their off-season. Other clients prefer to sign up for monthly marketing packages, which drive down the hourly rate, and provides predictable marketing deliverables.

How do I find the best marketing agency?

Ask around Central Oregon—and also, check out our client testimonials on Google Reviews. Gah! This is the part where we’re supposed to market our own agency, right? Even for us, it feels a bit unnatural to boast and in all honesty, we’re not looking for superlatives when we show up for work. We’re looking to do meaningful work for decent companies and good people. You’re welcome to ask us for references if you’d like to hear details from our clients.

How do you know if an agency is good?

If you answer “yes” to all these questions, your agency is good:

  • Are you proud of the work you accomplished together?
  • Has your agency made measurable improvements in your marketing?
  • Are you KPIs rapidly improving or idling?
  • Do you get positive feedback about your marketing materials?
  • Does your agency collaborate well with your team?

What services do marketing companies offer?

Marketing companies do everything under the sun to generate demand or leads for businesses. We’ve delivered branded watermelons to porches across Central Oregon. We’ve distributed and promoted homemade pies. We’ve helped coordinate a reforestation beneficiary, gotten the word out about charitable giving opportunities. You get the picture: marketing takes on a lot of different shapes. Our goal is to partner with clients who are a good fit for our skill set, and then let the creativity and can-do spirit drive the rest. If you want to see our services menu, check out our marketing services page. <link>

What are the disadvantages of using a marketing agency?

1) Working with a marketing agency requires a creative budget, an optional advertising budget, and the patience to see your investment produce fruit months in the future.

2) If you have an existing marketing team, it is possible that some members may be wary of bringing in an outside agency. Their reasons are typically fear-based and may sound like this, Will this agency take my job? Will they make me look dumb? Will they judge my work harshly? Why do they get paid a higher hourly rate than I do on salary?

We get it. We’re human too. And when we partner with existing teams, we do our part to make all your team members feel comfortable collaborating with us. But we also believe that a perceived fear shouldn’t drive important business decisions. If you agree, here are a few advantages of working with a marketing agency.

The advantages of working with a marketing agency:

  • Measurable, improved marketing performance 
  • Exposure to new ideas and marketing skills
  • Opportunities to learn from our team
  • High standards for creative work
  • Understand your marketing data 
  • Analytical approach to marketing decisions and strategy

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